Seriously, why hasn’t Kayden fucked Jesse yet?

Kayden Kross has a problem that a lot of other people have. She wants to have sex with Jesse Jane but, sadly, hasn’t had the opportunity to do so. Yet. However, unlike a lot of other people, Kayden actually does have a shot in hell at having her dream of fucking Jesse Jane come true. In order to make this all happen, though, she is asking for your help. Yes. Kayden Kross is asking for your help in giving her a chance to hook up with Jesse Jane.
In her latest blog post over at Xcritic, Kayden Kross expresses her frustration about never having had a 1 on 1 sex scene with Jesse Jane. Seeking to resolve this problem, Kross discusses her plan and explains how her fans can help. To quote from her blog post…
“And of course you saw Pirates 2. I did. I wasn’t in it and this fact still doesn’t sit quite right with me. There was the spectacular use of technology and lighting and storyline and acting to really drive the characters into each other’s genitals, and then there was the spectacular use of Jesse Jane on Belladonna. And I remember sitting in that theater (yes, I watched it in a theater) thinking to myself A) I’m gonna need to fuck Jesse Jane, and B) ditto for Belladonna.
And now here we all are, a couple of years later, leading our lives day in and day out acting like nothing is amiss and turning a blind eye to the world. It’s all very passive. We need to be proactive. YOU can create your reality. You can enact the change we need.
So this is my call to arms. Convince Digital Playground that I should fuck Jesse Jane sooner rather than later, preferably immediately. Just the two of us and a camera, just this once, until I want to do it a second time, which is inevitable. Convince them that life won’t be quite as bright until this happens. Email [email protected], or bug them on twitter (@DPxxx or @RobbyDXXX), or reblog this incessantly, or copy and paste it everywhere. Maybe print it off as a flyer you can post around your neighborhood. We can also maybe sell chocolate bars door to door to raise funds for awareness campaigns. Maybe peaceful protests in the park.”

So while Kayden’s plan does seem to be a bit selfish (we do the campaigning, she gets to get laid), the upside for everyone else is that when she finally does get to have sex with Jesse Jane, the whole thing will be filmed and we’ll all get the opportunity to watch. And considering the amount of hottness and talent possessed between these two, watching them have sex with each other is something that porn fans everywhere should be able to get at least a little excited over.
Additionally, it’s just a good rule of life that whenever you have the opportunity to help someone have sex with Jesse Jane…you should. Because, who knows, maybe karma will swing back around your way one day and Kayden Cross will be able to help you get laid. Just probably not with Jesse Jane.
Let’s spread the word and help make this thing happen.
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