Vivid prepares to release Axel Braun’s X-Men XXX porn parody... X-Men XXX: An Axel Braun Parody (2014) It was just a matter of time until mutants got the porn parody treatment, courtesy of legendary director Axel Braun and adult powerhouse Vivid Entertainment... and it was worth the wait! Wolverine, Rogue, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, and Polaris … [Read more...] about This X-Men Porn Parody Looks AMAZING!
tom byron
Birds of Prey XXX – First Look
Director Rob Black unveils a new SFW trailer for his Birds of Prey parody... Birds of Prey XXX (2012) Gotham is in danger, and the Birds of Prey are on the scene to save the day. The debut parody from award winning, Hall of Fame director Sinister X's new Sinister Comixxx line, Birds Of Prey XXX: A Sinister Comixxx Parody puts the girls first, followed by hot … [Read more...] about Birds of Prey XXX – First Look
BIRDS OF PREY Porn Parody Announced
Sinister Comixxx planning a XXX spoof of the all-woman DC Comics super team... UPDATE: Sinister Comixxx has released a trailer for Birds of Prey XXX. Almost a year ago, I posted about how Exquisite Films and director Sinister X were working on a Birds of Prey porn parody. At the time, it was reported that the film, Birds of Prey XXX, would be released in January 2012. … [Read more...] about BIRDS OF PREY Porn Parody Announced
Star Wars XXX – Porn Movie Review
Die-Screaming rates the hugely anticipated Star Wars parody... Star Wars XXX: A Porn Parody (2012) Award-winning director Axel Braun teamed up with adult powerhouse Vivid Entertainment to film the most ambitious porn ever made. Will Leia succumb to the Dark Side of the Force? Will Han shoot first? Will Chewy get lucky? You will get all the answers, and much, much … [Read more...] about Star Wars XXX – Porn Movie Review
Star Wars XXX Gets a SFW Trailer
Axel Braun has released a non-XXX trailer for his upcoming Star Wars parody... Star Wars XXX: A Porn Parody (2011) Award-winning director Axel Braun teamed up with adult powehouse Vivid Entertainment to film the most ambitious porn ever made. Will Leia succumb to the darkside of the force? Will Han shoot first? Will Chewy get lucky? You will get all the answers, … [Read more...] about Star Wars XXX Gets a SFW Trailer