Finding great porn in 2019 is hard. Mr. Porn Geek makes it easy…

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Finding truly great porn sites is harder than ever. That’s because a whole ton of new, mostly garbage XXX sites go up on a daily basis. Also, existing sites go out of business, bought up by other sites, or just stop posting new content while still expecting you to keep paying every month. You need a friend in the premium porn game.
Mr. Porn Geek is that friend. The guy who runs this site keeps up with all of the top sites, reviews new ones as they come online, and maintains a listing of the premium XXX websites that are actually worth your time. Just by doing that, this Porn Geek guy is already doing more for you than at least 85% of your existing friends. Seriously, what have any of those guys done for you lately?
Mother warned me about strangers from the Internet. Why should I trust Mr. Porn Geek?
For the most part, your mom was right. The reality is that most people who live on the Internet do not have your best interests in mind. However, Mr. Porn Geek isn’t one of those villains. How do I know this? Because I went to his website and poked around. His website is legit.
What makes me say that. Well, specifically…
- His listings of the Top Premium Porn sites are solid. Mr. Porn Geek isn’t linking to bullshit. The XXX sites included on his website are some of the most popular, reputable membership sites currently in existence.
- Mr. Porn Geek isn’t trying to take your money. All he does is list and review porn sites, including those that specialize in live webcams and XXX games. Like any true friend, he makes recommendations, lets you decide what you want to do, and doesn’t charge you anything for his service.
- His website isn’t going to annoy you. You and I both know that most “free porn” sites are evil. They are absolutely loaded with annoying ads, spyware, malware, viruses and popup and popunder pages that crash your browser. Mr. Porn Geek doesn’t have any of that bullshit.
- He doesn’t accept bribes from porn sites. Unlike many sites that claim to do similar things, Mr. Porn Geek doesn’t accept kickbacks from premium porn sites in exchange for listing them as one of his recommended few. If a site is great, it makes the list. If it’s hobo poop, it doesn’t.
Internet porn can be all kinds of scary. And unless you spend all of your time doing research, it’s damn near impossible to know where to find the good shit. Mr. Porn Geek is one of the best resources around for helping you know which premium smut sites are worth checking out and which you should just avoid altogether.
It’s about time you upgraded your circle of friends. If I were you (and you should thank your god that I am not), I would add Mr. Porn Geek and get rid of that asshole who just drinks all of your beer and pisses on your couch. You know who I’m talking about.
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