Die-Screaming is the Internet’s hardcore porn blog. It features all sorts of porn news, reviews, interviews, Top 10 lists, and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you have a thing for pornstars, you’ve come to the right place, homie.
Die-Screaming doesn’t have any banner ads, because those things are stupid. And because the drunken madman who runs this website has no ambition and no plans to make money from it.
While other porn blogs pretend that they are important and serve as a “voice for the industry”, Die-Screaming understands it is neither important or even very well written. Reading it might give you lice.
Want to advertise with Die-Screaming? Cool. Details here.
Die-Screaming is owned, operated, and written by Dan C., a guy who’s been writing about the porn industry since 2009. To date, he has never won a single award for anything and he is widely considered to be the worst porn blogger in the history of porn bloggers.
Dan C. is a sad, broken shell of a man. He’s frequently drunk, isn’t all that attractive, and his pee smells like hot dogs. He spends most of his time watching porn and crying himself to sleep.
If you wanna contact Dan C. or follow his sorry ass on social media, visit this horrible contact page that he built while drunk on cough syrup.